The benefits of healthy interactions.
During therapy sessions, I often ask my clients to reflect on the advantages of their actions, regardless of whether they seem positive or negative. It's important to understand the motivations behind their behavior in order to determine if any changes are needed to achieve better results. By delving into the reasons behind our actions, we gain insight into areas of potential growth and improvement. Similarly, in conversations, it's crucial for individuals to recognize the value and benefits of healthy communication, as well as to identify any areas where their upbringing may have impacted their ability to engage in constructive dialogue.
What are some of the benefits of having a healthy conversation:
We often can find commonality—when you realize you are not the only one with a similar experience—The power of shared experiences is genuinely remarkable. When we take the time to seek out communal settings such as libraries, community centers, churches, and schools, we create the perfect environment to share our stories genuinely and authentically. These spaces offer endless opportunities for us to unite and build a robust and interconnected community based on open and honest communication.
Improve emotional wellness by expressing part of your identity—We are all intricate beings influenced by a multitude of factors such as our family upbringing, spiritual convictions, gender orientation, diverse cultural encounters, and ethnic origins. Our multidimensional makeup can create difficulty when it comes to divulging our personal narratives. Many individuals construct emotional defenses out of fear of exposing their authentic selves.
"The sense of belonging: The need for belonging, as depicted on the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Chart, is a fundamental human requirement that takes longer to fulfill because it involves satisfying not only psychological needs, but also safety and security needs. Once a sense of belonging is established, individuals experience a reduction in the fear of loneliness and isolation. Renowned author bell hooks encapsulated the essence of belonging in a quote: “I dreamed about a culture of belonging. I still dream that dream. I contemplate what our lives would be like if we knew how to cultivate awareness, to live mindfully, peacefully; if we learned habits of being that would bring us closer together, that would help us build beloved community.” This quote beautifully captures the aspiration for a world in which people are more connected and united through mindfulness and peaceful coexistence.
What are some reasons why having healthy conversations are difficult:
Family Dynamics - Coming of age in a household where communication consisted of elevated voices, unexpressed emotions, and complete shutdowns can prompt the development of particular coping strategies and communication abilities.
Introvert Tendencies - Even though introverts may take time to open up, they can still excel in conversations, particularly if they are asked questions. Prompting them with questions can help them feel more comfortable sharing about themselves and engaging in meaningful discussions.
Bad Experience - Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you tried to open up and be vulnerable, but the person you were confiding in seemed distracted and not fully present? It can be really challenging, especially if you're not someone who typically shares personal information easily.
I've always found it fascinating to consider the value of interpersonal connections. From a young age, I've viewed myself as an attentive participant in conversations, though I may not always verbalize my thoughts. I've developed a keen awareness of the nuances of communication, often noticing when individuals seem more engrossed in their phones than the interaction at hand, or when they appear distracted by their surroundings. This heightened sensitivity has led me to become a proficient listener, as I've often found it challenging to carve out space for myself in conversations. I've made deliberate adjustments to ensure that those who engage with me never feel overlooked or marginalized. As someone who naturally gravitates towards the role of a supportive listener, I strive to provide tailored guidance and assistance in the areas where it's needed most.
The ability to express yourself and be heard is incredibly significant. Nevertheless, your internal thoughts might spiral, particularly when faced with less-than-perfect circumstances. It's important to take a pause and identify what might be preventing you from engaging in a meaningful dialogue. The potential gains from connecting with the right individual can be truly fulfilling.
As I sat on the porch, I took in the scene of our vibrant community. A man with polio, his persistent smile lighting up his face despite his pronounced limp, was reaching out to passersby, demonstrating unwavering determination despite his physical challenges. Meanwhile, a mechanic, covered head to toe in grease, diligently worked on cars nearby, occasionally taking a moment to greet others, perhaps mindful of the mess the cars he serviced left behind. Despite the inconvenience, my grandma extended a kind gesture, offering him a water bottle and engaging in casual conversation, exemplifying the value of showing understanding and kindness to others.
The atmosphere in the community always buzzed with energy, whether it was solicited or not. I found myself observing the interactions of the people around me constantly. The benefits of lively engagement far outweighed any drawbacks. Being open to conversations, even when they arose unexpectedly, proved to be incredibly enriching.